
readthefollowingtext.choosethebestword ( s ) foreachnumberedblankandmarka,b,c or d on answer sheet. (10 points )

thinner isn’talwaysbetter.anumberofstudieshave _ _1_ _ that normal-weightpeopleareinfactathigherriskofsomedisesas oare overweight orwhichbeingoverweightisactualy _ _2_ _.for example,heavierwomenarelesslikelytodevelopcalciumdeficiencythanthinwomen._ _3_ _ a

ofevengreater _ _ _ _5_ _ isthefactthatobesityturnsouttobeverydifficulttodefine.itisoftendefined quareofheight.anadultwithabmiof 18 to 25 isoftenconsideredtobenormalweight.BMI0IS overweight.and over 30 isconsideredobese.obesity

whilesuchnumericalstandardsseem 9,they are not.obesityisprobablylessamatterofweightthanbodyfat.somepeoplewithahighbmiareinfacte 10 otherswithalowbmimaybeinpoor 11.for example,manycollegiateandprofessionalfootballplayers 12 as obese,thoughtheirpercentagebodye

today we have a ( an ) _ 14 _ tolabelobesityasadisgrace.theoverweightaresometimes _ 15 _ inthemediawiththeirfacescovered.stereotypes _ lack of will power,andlowerprospectsforsuccess.teachers,employers, andhealthprofessionalshavebeenshowntoharborbiasesagainsttheobese._ 17 _ veryyoungchildrentendtolookdownontheoverweight,andtease


1.[ a ] denied [ b ] conduced [ c ] doubled [ d ] ensured

2.[ a ]保护[ b ] dangerous [ c ] sufficient [ d ] troublesome

3.[ a ] instead [ b ] however [ c ] likewise [ d ] therefore

4.[ a ] indicator [ b ] objective [ c ] origin [ d ] example

5.[ a ] impact [ b ] relevance [ c ] assistance [ d ] concern

6.[ a ] interm sof [ b ] Incas eof [ c ] infavorof [ d ] inof

7.[ a ] measures [ b ] determines [ c ] equals [ d ] modifies

8.[ a ] in essence [ b ] in contrast [ c ] inturn [ d ] in part

9.[ a ] complicated [ b ] conservative [ c ] variable [ d ] straight forward

10.[ a ] so [ b ] unlike [ c ] since [ d ] unless

11.[ a ] shape [ b ] spirit [ c ] balance [ d ] taste

12.[ a ] start [ b ] quality [ c ] retire [ d ] stay

13.[ a ] strange [ b ] changeable [ c ] normal [ d ] constant

14.[ a ] option [ b ] reason [ c ] opportunity [ d ] tendency

15.[ a ] employed [ b ] pictured [ c ] imitated [ d ] monitored

16.[ a ] [ b ] combined [ c ] settled [ d ] associated

17.[ a ] even [ b ] still [ c ] yet [ d ] only

18.[ a ] despised [ b ] corrected [ c ] ignored [ d ] grounded

19.[ a ] discussions [ b ] businesses [ c ] policies [ d ] studies

20.[ a ] for [ b ] against [ c ] with [ d ] without

section ii reading comprehension


directions :

readthefollowingfourtexts.answerthequestionsbeloweachtextbychoosinga,b,cord.markyouranswersonanswersheet.( 40 point )

text 1

what would you do with 590m? thisisnowaquestionforgloriamackenzie,an84-year-oldwidowwhorecentlyemergedfromhersmall, tin-roofedhouseinfloridatocollectthebiggestunpidedlotteryjackpotinhistory.ifshehopeshernew-foundfortunewillyieldlastinging shecoulddoworsethanreadhappymoneybyelizabethdumnandmichaelnorton。


thesetwoacademicsuseanarrayofbehavioralresearchtoshowthatthemostrewardingwaystospendmoneycanbecounterintuitive.fantasiesgrof w ffancycarsandextravaganthomes.yetsatisfactionwithesematerialpurchaseswearsoffairlyquickywhat regretcreepsin.itisfarbetterter say ms dumn and mr norton,like interesting trips,uniquemealsorevengoingtothecinema.thesepurchasesoftenbecomemorevaluablewithtime -。


thisslimvolumeispackedwithtipstohelpwageslavesaswellaslotterywinnersgetthemost " happinessbangforyourbuck." itsemsmostpelops oull rtentheircommutestowork, spendmoretimewithfriendsandfamilyandlessofitwatchingtelevision ( somethingtheaverageamericanspendsawhoppingtwomonthsayeardonging ( somethingthingageamericanspendsawhoppingtwomo andishardlyjollierforit ) . buyinggiftsorgivingtocharityisoftenmorepleasurablethanpurchasingthingsforoneself, andluxuriesaremostenjoyablewhentheyareconsumedsparingly.thisisapparentlythereasonmacdonald ' srestrictstheavailityofproties MC R


readers of“happy money”areclearlyaprivilegedlot、anxious about fulfillment、not hunger.moneymaynotquitebuyhappiness、 butpeopleinwealthiercountriesaregeneralyhappierthanthoseinpoorones.yetthelinkbetweenfeelingggoodandspendingmoneyontherscanbase learoundtheworld、andscarcityenhancesthepleasureofmostthingsformostpeople.noteveryonewillagreewitheauthors’Policy ideas, whichrangefrommandatingmoreholidaytimetoreducingtaxincentivesforamericanhomebuyers.butmostpeoplewillcomeawayfromthisbokblies


21.according to dumn and norton,whichofthefollowingisthemostrewardingpurchase?

[a]a big house

[b]a special tour

[c]a stylish car

[d]a rich meal

22.the author’sattitudetowardamericans’watchingtvis

[ a ]严重




23.macribismentionedinparagraph3to show that

[ a ] consumersaresometimesirrational

[ b ] popularityusuallycomesafterquality

[ c ] marketingtricksareaftereffective

[ d ] raritygenerallyincreasespleasure

24.according to the last paragraph,happy money

[ a ] hasleftmuchroomforreaders’criticism

[ b ] mayprovetobeaworthwhilepurchase

[ c ] haspredictedawiderincomegapintheus

[ d ] maygiveitsreadersasenseofachievement


[ a ] balancefeelinggoodandspendingmoney

[ b ] spendlargesumsofmoneywoninlotteries

[ c ] obtainlastingsatisfactionfrommoneyspent

[ d ] becomemorereasonableinspendingonluxuries





