
1.couldyourecommendanicerestaurantnearhere? 你能介绍附近名声很好的餐馆吗?

2.iwantarestaurantwithreasonableprices .我想去价格合理的餐厅。

3.whereisthemainareaforrestaurants? 这里的餐馆集中在那个地区多久了?

4.isthereachineserestaurantaroundhere? 这附近有中国餐馆吗?

5.arethereanyinexpensiverestaurantsnearhere? 这附近有价格不贵的餐馆吗?

6.doyouknowofanyrestaurantsopennow? 你知道现在那里有餐厅营业吗?

7.i'd like to have some local food .我想试试当地的食物。

8.do i need a reservation? 我需要预订座位吗?

9.I ' dliketoreserveatableforthree .我想预订三个人的座位。

10.we are a group of six .我们一共六个人。

11.how long is the wait? 我们大概要等多久?

12.do you have a dress code? 餐厅有服装的规定吗?

13.couldtheladieswearformaldresses? 女性需要正式的服装吗?

14.no jeans,please .不要穿牛仔裤。

15.may i have a menu,please? 请给我菜单。

16. do you have a menu in chinese? 有中文菜单吗?

17.may i order,please? 我可以点菜吗?

18.do you have today's special? 餐厅有今天的特别菜吗?

19.can i have the same dish as that? 我可以点和那个一样的菜吗?

20. how do you like your steak? 牛排怎么做?

21.well done (medium/rare ),please .全熟(五分熟/全生)。

22.i'd like a glass of water,please .请给我一杯水。

23.Mayihaveabottleofmineralwater? 请给我一瓶矿泉水。

24.may i have some more bread,please .请再给我一点面包。

25.canihavesomefruitinsteadofthedessert? 能把甜点换成水果吗?

26.may i smoke? 我可以抽烟吗?

27.my order hasn't come yet .点的食物还没来。

28.this is not what i ordered .这不是我点的食物。

29.check,please .请结账。

30.can i pay here? 我可以在这里付款吗?

31.ithinkthereisamistakeinthebill .账单上有点错误。

32.could you check it again? 能再确认一遍账单吗?

33.can i pay with this credit card? 我可以用这张信用卡支付吗?

请给我may I have the receipt,please .收据。

35.willyoubeeatinghereoristhistogo ( take out )? 在这里吃饭还是带走?

36.take out,please .带回去。

37.can i sit here? 我可以坐在这里吗?

38.a sandwich,please。 请给我三明治。

39.i'll eat here。 在这边吃饭。

请给我I ' ll Have a small Hamburger、milk、and one large order of french fries .汉堡包、牛奶和薯条。



