
college english model test two

—band six—


-college english model test two


partilistening comprehension ( 20 minutes )

section a

directions: in this section,you will hear 10 short conversations.attheendofeachconversation, aquestionwillbeaskedaboutwhatwassaid.boththeconversationandthequestionswillbespokenonlyonce.aftereachquestiontherewillbaprote youmustreadthefourchoicesmarkeda ),b ),c) and d )。 anddecidewhichisthebestanswer.thenmarkthecorrespondingletterontheanswersheetwithasinglelinethroughthecenter。


example: you will hear :

you will read :

a) 2 hours.b) 3 hours。

c) 4 hours. d) 5 hours。

fromtheconversationweknowthatthetwoaretalkingaboutsomeworktheywillstartat9oclockinthemorningandhavetofinishat2in the after noon .。 d )“5 hours”isthecorrectanswer.you should choose [ d ] ontheanswersheetandmarkitwithasinglelinethroghthh。

示例answer [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ]

1.a ) it’sinteresting.b ) itturnedouttobeeasy。

c ) it’shardtojudge.d ) it’squitedifficult。

2.a ) shewenttothepartywithoutknowingit。

b) she was invited to the party。

c) she was present for the party

d) she was absent from the party

3.a ) Joanwillgiveouttheassignments.b ) Joanwillspeakintheseminar。

c ) Joan Won’TBePresentattheseminar.d ) Joan Won’TSIGNThePetitions。

4.a ) presentanewtheorytotheclass.b ) readmorethanonearticle。

c ) readthebookmorethoroughly.d ) writeabetterarticlefortheclass。

5.a ) herbackhurtduringthemeeting。

b ) hissupportdoesnotmeananythingnow。

c ) sheagreedthatitwasaverygoodmeeting。

d ) theproposalshouldbesentbacktothemeeting

6.a ) thelibraryiswithinwalkingdistance。

b ) thestreetsarenotingoodcondition。

c) the man should get a car instead。

d) the man should exercise more

7.a )是,shecanstudythereifsheiswritingaresearchpaper。

b )是,butsheneedstohavetheapprovalofherprofessor。

c )是,because she is a senior student。

d )否,it’sopenonlytoteachersandpostgraduates。

8.a ) aseafooddinneristooexpensive.b ) he doesn’tlikeseafoodanymore。

c ) he doesn’thaveenoughmoney.d ) helikesseafoodverymuch。

9.a ) hedecidednottocancelherappointment

b ) hisnewglassesaren’t comfortable。

c ) he’stoobusytogetacheckup。

d ) hehastocheckwhentheappointmentis。

10.a ) hiserrorsweremainlyinthereadingpart。

b ) itwasn’tverychallengingtohim。

c ) itwasmoredifficultthanhehadexpected

d ) hemadeveryfewgrammaticalmistakesinhistest。

section b

directions: in this section,you will hear3short passages.attheendofeachpassage, youwillhearsomequestions.boththepassageandthequestionswillbespokenonlyonce.afteryouhearaquestion, youmustchoosethebestanswerfromthefourchoicesmarkeda ),b ),c ) and ).thenmarkthecorrespondinglitterontheanswershetwith。


passage one

question S11 to 13 arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustheard。

11. a) british. b) americans

c) germans. d) japanese

12.a ) entirely effective.b ) totally incorrect。

c ) acompletefailure.d ) quite difficult。

13.a ) haveagreatersenseofduty.b ) cangethigherpay。

c ) canavoidworkinghard.d ) canavoidbusytraffic。

passage two

questions 14 to 16 arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustheard。

14.a ) it’sbecausetherearemanydevelopingnations。

b ) it’sbecausepeopleusetoomanyman-made materials。

c ) it’sbecausewehavemoreandmoreindustry。

d ) it’sbecausewearebuildingmorevehicles。

15. a) industry. b) health。

c ) thefutureofourchildren.d ) clean air。

16.a ) manknowswherethesocietyisgoing。

b ) people don’twelcometherapiddevelopmentofmodernsociety。

c ) thespeakerisworriedaboutthefutureofourmodernsociety。

d ) mancandonothingabouttheproblemofpollution。

passage three

questions 17 to 20 arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustheard。

17.a ) tointereststudentsinacareerincounseling。

b ) torecruitcounselorstoworkintheplacementoffice。

c ) toinformstudentsofauniversityprogram

d ) toconvincelocalmerchantstohirecollegestudents。

18. a) a job listing. b) a resume。

c ) apermissionslip.d ) theirsalaryrequirements。

19.a ) refinetheirinterviewingtechniques

b) arrange their work schedules。

c) select appropriate courses

d) write cover letters。

20. a) they pay the same wage。

b) they involve working outdoors。

c ) theycanbesubstitutedforcollegestudents

d ) they’repart-time。




