millionsofamericansandforeignersseegi.joeasamindlesswartoy,thesymbolofamericanmilitaryadventurism,but that’snothowitusedtobe inworldwariiandthepeopletheyliberated, the GI.WAS THE2) Man Grown Into Hero RePoolfarmkidtornawayfromhishome,theguywho3)alltheburdensofbattle,who slept in cold foxholes, whowentwithoutthe4) offoodandshelter、whostuckitoutanddrovebackthenazireignofmurder.thiswasnotavoluntersoldier、not someone well 5) an average guy,up 6 )the best trained,best equipped,fiercest,mostbrutalenemiesseenincenturies。
hisnameisnotmuch.gi.isjustamilitaryabbreviation7) government issue,anditwasonallofthearticle8) to soldiers.and Joe? acommonnameforaguywhonever9) itto the top.Joe blow,joemagrac…aworkingclassname.theunitedstateshas 10 ) hadapresidentcovir
GI.Joe HADA ( 11 ) Careerfighting German basedonthelastdaysofwarcorrespondenterniepyle.someofthesoldierspyle ( 13 ) Portraydethemselvesinthefilm.Pylewasfamousforcoverie writingaboutthedirt-snow–and-muds oldies nothowmanymileswere ( 15 ) orwhattownswerecapturedorliberated,hisreports(16 ) THE“Willie”CartoonsoffamedstarsandstriPesartistbillmaulden.Both Men ( 17 ) Thedirtandexhaustionofwar THE ( 18 ) ofcivilizationthatthesoldierssharedwitheachotherandthecivilians:coffee,tobacco,whiskey,shelter, sleep.() and a dozen more countries,g.i. joe was any american soldier,( 20 ) themostimportantpersonintheirlives。
1.[ a ] performed [ b ] served [ c ] rebelled [ d ] betrayed
2.[ a ] actual [ b ] common [ c ] special [ d ] normal
3.[ a ] bore [ b ] cased [ c ] removed [ d ] loaded
4.[ a ] necessities [ b ] facili tice [ c ] commodities [ d ] proper toes
5.[a]and [b]nor [c]but [d]hence
6.[ a ] for [ b ] into [ c ] form [ d ] against
7.[ a ] meaning [ b ] implying [ c ] symbolizing [ d ] claiming
8.[ a ] handed out [ b ] turn over [ c ] brought back [ d ] passed down
9.[ a ] pushed [ b ] got [ c ] made [ d ] managed
10.[ a ] ever [ b ] never [ c ] either [ d ] neither
11.[ a ] disguised [ b ] disturbed [ c ] disputed [ d ] distinguished
12.[ a ] company [ b ] collection [ c ] community [ d ] colony
13.[ a ] employed [ b ] appointed [ c ] interviewed [ d ] questioned
14.[ a ] Ethical [ b ] Military [ c ] Political [ d ] Human
15.[ a ] ruined [ b ] commuted [ c ] patrolled [ d ] gained
16.[ a ]并行led [ b ] counteracted [ c ] duplicated [ d ] contradicted
17.[ a ] neglected [ b ] avoided [ c ] emphasized [ d ] admired
18.[ a ] stages [ b ] illusions [ c ] fragments [ d ] advancea
19.[ a ] with [ b ] to [ c ] among [ d ] beyond
20.[ a ] on the contrary [ b ] bythismeans [ c ] from the outset [ d ] atthatpoint
section ii resdiong comprehension
directions :
readthefollowingfourtexts.answerthequestionaftereachtextbychoosinga,b,cord.markyouranswersonanswersheet1. ( 40 point )
text 1
homeworkhasneverbeenterriblypopularwithstudentsandevenmanyparents是butinrecentyearsithasbeenparticularlyscorned.schooldistris most recently los angeles unified, arerevisingtheirthinkingonhiseducationalritual.unfortunately,l.a.unifiedhasproducedaninflexiblepolicywhichmandatesthatwithi
thisruleismeanttoaddressthedifficultythatstudentsfromimpoverishedorchaotichomesmighthaveincompletingtheirhomework.butheplioliolie y.certainly, nohomeworkshouldbeassignedthatstudentscannotdowithoutexpensiveequipment.butifthedistrictisessentiallygivingapasstostudenthswii auseofcomplicatedfamilylives,itisgoingriskilyclosetotheimplicationthatstandardsneedtobeloweredforpocor
districtadministratorssaythomeworkwillstillbeapatofschooling:teachersareallowedtoassignasmuchofitastheywant.butwithome kch heirgrades, studentscaneasilyskiphalftheirhomeworkandseeveylittledifferenceontheirreportcards.somestudentsmightdowellonstatestswithout on butwhataboutthestudentswhoperformedwellonthetestsanddidtheirhomework? itisquitepossiblethatthehomeworkhelped.yetratherthanempoweringteacherstofindwhatworksbestfortheirstudents,thepolicyimposes